QGIS online courses – in SYNCHRONIC* mode

We offer and deliver two QGIS courses:

  • The Basic QGIS Course aims to train beginners or self-taught technicians in using QGIS, providing a solid theoretical foundation with a practical and targeted approach to operational needs.
  • The Advanced QGIS Course aims to delve deeper into topics related to more advanced use of the QGIS software. It is assumed that participants already have solid familiarity with the software, as its core functionalities will not be covered in detail.

Classes are conducted live online by the instructor.

The same lessons will also be recorded and made available to participants at any time for up to 30 days after the course concludes.

È ovviamente possibile personalizzare i corsi sulla base di specifiche esigenze. Per maggiori informazioni o per ricevere un preventivo contattaci.


The course starts on 27th February 2025

Date: Thursday,  February 27th, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Basics of GIS, Introduction to Digital Cartography
  • Introduction to Open Source Software and QGIS:
    • Installation procedures for different Operating Systems
    • Overview of the various QGIS versions
    • Customization of the graphical interface
    • Workspace configuration

Duration: 3 hours
Prerequisites: None

Date: Thursday, March 6th, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Spatial Reference System (SRS)
  • QGIS and reference systems management

Durata: 3 ore

Propedeuticità: QGIS installato sul proprio PC

Date: Friday, March 14th, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Introduction to supported data formats, both raster and vector, and their management in QGIS (importing, exporting, styles, visualization, etc.)
  • Advantages and limitations of shapefiles
  • Geopackage / SpatiaLite / GeoDBMS
  • Customization of the graphical interface
  • Overview of PostgreSQL/PostGIS

Duration: 3 hours
Prerequisites: QGIS installed on your PC

Date: Friday, March 21st, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Plugins (plugin manager, installation, and usage of the most common ones)
  • Introduction to OpenStreetMap
  • Loading basemaps (OSM, Google, Bing, etc.) and data from the web
  • XYZ Tiles
  • OGC Services (WMS – WFS – WCS) and how to access them in QGIS

Duration: 3 hours
Prerequisites: QGIS installed on your PC


Date: Friday, March 28th, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Creating vector files from alphanumeric data
  • Simple data editing (creating polygons, entering data)
  • Managing layer properties (styles, labels, adding and removing fields, aliases, introduction to widgets)

Duration: 3 hours

Prerequisites: QGIS installed on your computer

Date: Thursday, April 3rd, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Selections and filters based on attributes
  • Vector data geoprocessing
  • Field calculator / virtual fields
  • Vector data statistics
  • Introduction to charts

Duration: 3 hours

Prerequisites: QGIS installed on your computer and basic knowledge of QGIS

Date: Friday, April 11th, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Raster data import
  • Custom styles and representations
  • Reprojections and format conversions
  • Merging and clipping
  • Introduction to georeferencing

Duration: 3 hours

Prerequisites: QGIS installed on your computer and basic knowledge of QGIS

Date: Friday, April 18th, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Exporting georeferenced images
  • Preparing print layouts for the QGIS project
  • Print layouts and layer representation, labels (manual and automatic placement), setting up an atlas for printing

Duration: 3 hours

Prerequisites: QGIS installed on your computer and a good knowledge of QGIS

It is possible to enroll in one or more modules of your choice from the options provided or in the entire course.
If you wish to attend the complete basic course (8 modules), no prior knowledge is required. However, if you choose to enroll in individual modules, a basic or good knowledge of QGIS may be necessary.

Please check the prerequisites in the description of each module:

* basic knowledge: refers to the ability to perform preliminary actions such as starting the software and importing data.;

** good knowledge: refers to the ability to perform actions related to data management, such as importing data, managing styles, and field properties.

The registration fee for a single module is €40 (VAT excluded).

Do you want to enroll in the entire course? Purchase the complete course package for €250 (VAT excluded): you save 20%, and only by doing so can you request the official QGIS Certification.

We are one of the certified QGIS training providers in Italy: by completing the entire course (8 modules), you can request the official international QGIS Certification, subject to an assessment of the skills acquired. The cost of the evaluation exam is €20 (VAT excluded) per participant and will be donated to the qgis.org Association to support the development of QGIS.

QGIS Advanced

The course starts on 9th January 2025.

Date: Thursday, January 9th, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Introduction to relational databases
  • Comparison of SpatialLite, Geopackage, and PostgreSQL/PostGIS
  • PostgreSQL:

         – introduction,

         – installation, and configuration

  • Data types; PostGIS extension; database structure
  • Connecting to PostgreSQL/PostGIS; data import and export

Duration: 3 hours

Prerequisites: QGIS installed on your computer and a basic knowledge of relational databases

Date: Thursday, January 16th, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Managing tables with the QGIS DB Manager plugin
  • Joins and relationships between vector data and tables
  • SQL queries; POSTGIS ST_ functions; creating views (spatial queries)
  • Editing PostgreSQL/PostGIS geodatabases with QGIS, including basic editing and calculated fields (domains and lists)

    Duration: 3 hours

    Prerequisites: QGIS installed on your computer, good knowledge of QGIS, and basic knowledge of relational databases


Date: Friday, January 24th, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Advanced editing (topological editing, data input forms)
  • Field calculator / virtual fields

Duration: 3 hours

Prerequisites: QGIS installed on your computer and basic knowledge of QGIS

Date: Thursday, January 30th, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Creating a QGIS demo project (1:n relationships, data input forms, widgets, etc.)
  • Synchronization with QField
  • Basic usage of QField
  • Re-importing field data into QGIS

Duration: 3 hours

Prerequisites: QGIS installed on your computer, QField installed on your mobile device, and good knowledge of QGIS

Date: Friday, February 7th, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Processing toolbox
  • Creating a model
  • QGIS Model Designer interface
  • Installing a model
  • Customizing models

Duration: 3 hours

Prerequisites: QGIS installed on your computer and good knowledge of QGIS

Date: Thursday, February 13th, from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


  • Remote sensing images
  • Free satellite data, with a focus on Sentinel data
  • The Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP) in QGIS
  • Introduction to image classification with GRASS through QGIS

Duration: 3 hours

Prerequisites: QGIS installed on your computer and good knowledge of QGIS

It is possible to enroll in one or more modules of your choice from the options provided. To participate in the advanced modules, you must have QGIS already installed on your PC and possess a good knowledge of the software.

Please check the prerequisites in the description of each module:

* Basic knowledge: refers to the ability to perform preliminary actions such as starting the software and importing data;

**good knowledge: refers to the ability to perform actions related to data management, such as importing data, managing styles, and field properties. 

The registration fee for a single module is45 (VAT excluded).

Do you want to enroll in the entire course? Purchase the complete course package for €215 (VAT excluded), and you’ll get one module for free! This option also allows you to request the official QGIS Certification.

We are one of the certified QGIS training providers in Italy. By completing all the modules, you will be eligible to request the official international QGIS Certification, subject to an assessment of the skills acquired. The evaluation exam costs €20 (VAT excluded) per participant and will be donated to the qgis.org Association to support the development of QGIS.



Prossima edizione : data da definirsi

Data: _ore 14:30

Obiettivi: Illustrare all’utente le principali nozioni teoriche che stanno alla base della tecnologia GNSS, in modo da fornire un efficace strumento per la comprensione dei sw di posizionamento.


  •  Introduzione ai principi di funzionamento del posizionamento GNSS
  • Tecniche NRTK e Post Processing (differenze e principi)
  • Materiale: slide del corso, e indicazione di alcuni testi di riferimento

Durata: 3 ore

Propedeuticità: nessuna

Data: _ ore 14:30

Obiettivi: RTKLIB è una libreria Open Source con numerose funzionalità per il posizionamento GNSS. In questo modulo viene presentata la libreria, dando la possibilità all’utente di essere autonomo nell’installazione e nella configurazione generale del sistema.


  • La libreria RTKLIB – struttura e concept
  • Download, installazione sia su windows che su linux
  • Materiale a supporto, manuale e tutorial

Durata: 3 ore

Propedeuticità: nessuna

Data: _ ore 14:30

Obiettivi: Il modulo illustra come poter effettuare il posizionamento NRTK con la libreria RTKLIB, evidenziando peculiarità e limiti del sw.


  • Il modulo RTKNAVI: posizionamento base rover e NRTK
  • Il Plugin Core Georeferenziatore di QGIS
  • RTKPLOT: grafici per l’analisi dei risultati
  • Demo live: il modulo prevede una dimostrazione in tempo reale di posizionamento GNSS NRTK con RTKLIB

Durata: 3 ore

Propedeuticità: Conoscenze già acquisite sugli argomenti trattati nel Modulo 1 e nel Modulo 2

Data: _ ore 14:30

Obiettivi: RTKLIB fornisce una serie di strumenti accessori che semplificano alcune singole operazioni, come lo scaricamento delle effemridi da repository FTP o la conversione dei dati grezzi in diversi formati. Nel presente modulo verranno passate in rassegna tali funzionalità dando all’allievo tutti gli elementi per poter utilizzare in autonomia tali tool.


  • RTKGET: tool per scaricare dati in maniera agevole (ionex, effemeridi, clock, ecc.)
  • RTKCONV: tool per la conversione di formati
  • Il Semi Automatic Classification Plugin di QGIS
  • STRSVR: tool per registrare e inviare dati grezzidi posizionamento GNSS NRTK con RTKLIB

Durata: 3 ore

Propedeuticità: Conoscenze già acquisite sugli argomenti trattati nel Modulo 1 e nel Modulo 2

Data: _ ore 14:30

Obiettivi: Rendere l’utente autonomo nell’uso di RTKLIB per effettuare post processamento di singole baseline. Comprende un focus sui dati grezzi, sull’analisi di qualità degli stessi.


  • Dati di input base rover
  • Analisi di qualità preliminare dei dati grezzi
  • RTKPOST: tool per il post processing base-rover
  • Materiale: verranno forniti alcuni dataset di esempio sui quali verranno proposte esercitazioni.

Durata: 3 ore

Propedeuticità: Conoscenze già acquisite sugli argomenti trattati nel Modulo 1 e nel Modulo 2

Data: _ ore 14:30

Obiettivi: La gestione dei sistemi di riferimento è da sempre uno degli elementi centrali per chiunque si occupi di rilievo metrico, con qualsiasi tecnica. Nel presente modulo verranno date le indicazioni necessarie a gestire correttamente i Sistemi di Riferimento in un rilievo GNSS.


  • Sistemi di riferimento e proiezioni cartografiche
  • Sistema di riferimento in un rilievo RTK
  • Sistema di riferimento in un rilievo in post-processing
  • Come gestire le integrazioni tra SR
  • Materiale: slide del corso, e indicazione di alcuni testi di riferimento

Durata: 3 ore

Propedeuticità: Conoscenze già acquisite sugli argomenti trattati nel Modulo 1

È possibile iscriversi all’intero corso che verrà suddiviso in 6 date.

Il costo di iscrizione è di 180 euro (IVA esclusa). 


E-learning platform

Through Gter's e-learning platform, participants can access lesson recordings, educational materials, and the forum for an entire year from the date of registration.

Video lessons

Lessons are recorded and remain available to participants, who can access the recordings at any time for an entire year from the date of registration.

Slides and datasets

The slides presented during the lessons and the example datasets for completing exercises can be downloaded by participants for an entire year from the date of registration.


Participants can receive ongoing assistance through the forum and other communication channels provided by the instructors for an entire year from the date of registration.

For those who prefer to attend courses in person, the on-site training option is available.
Courses ON SITE

These courses are designed for small groups of private individuals and public administrations, with topics and the program to be agreed upon in advance.

Mettiti in contatto con noi!

Scrivici un messaggio, risponderemo a tutte le tue domande, nel minor tempo possibile.

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